venerdì 27 settembre 2013

Barilla shock, i canadesi sono d'accordo con lui

Guido Barilla ce l'ha con i gay o no? La sensazione è che nell'italia dove il 'politically correct' viene servito in buste di plastica con la data di scadenza già passata da un mese, ancora una volta l'insinuante animaletto della strumentalizzazione abbia fatto capolino e cominciato a sparare a raffica frasi demagogiche. "Dagli al provocatore", "La comunità gay si indigna", "Infame omofobo", "Il mondo ci guarda e scuote la testa". Ma di quale mondo stiamo parlando? E così sono andato a fare un salto nel mio 'superopenminded' Canada, dove i diritti dei gay sono più tutelati di quelli dei panda.
Orbene, nel Canada superevoluto le frasi del signor Barilla - "Non farei mai uno spot con una famiglia omosessuale. Io rispetto tutti, facciano quello che vogliono senza disturbare gli altri. Sono anche favorevole al matrimonio omosessuale, ma no all'adozione per una famiglia gay" -, hanno suscitato quasi entusiasmo, un'ovazione da parte di molti, in stile Fantozzi quando si alza timidamente al cineforum e, dopo avere 'affondato' la leggendaria "Corazzata Pomekin", raccoglie venti minuti di scroscianti applausi.
Basti leggere il Toronto Sun, l'unico giornale che dà veramente spazio alla notizia, con il titolo "Barilla would never use a gay family in ads: Pasta boss", già di per sé privo di giudizi etici o morali. Ma se si leggono i commenti dei lettori, la questione cambia parecchio. Addirittura si può dire che molti canadesi, da oggi, faranno una sorta di boicottaggio al contrario. Ovvero, non mancherà mai dalle loro dispense la pasta Barilla.
Ve li espongo papali papali, senza traduzione, copiati direttamente dal giornale (non ho inserito solo quelle che palesemente non c'entrano nulla con l'argomento):
BillSurley: This man has an opinion which he explained respectfully and even supported gay marriage currently not legal in Italy. But because he doesn't support the gay community to 100% of what they demand, they want to make him pay. Typical from this intolerant community, who feel persecuted with no provocation at all.
Terri Lee: Barilla now has my full support.
Mark: Christians have been taking abuse for their beliefs lately and Mr. Barilla has spoken fairly. if anything he just gave his pasta a lot of publicity, both good and bad. I have never purchased Barilla pasta before. it's the number 1 brand in the world? why yes, I believe I will be buying some tomorrow. thanks Mr. Barilla.
Change Needed: Terri Lee, Barrilla now has my support as well. But then again, it always did! Barilla is one of the best pastas there is, in Canada and abroad!...
G_Goon: I agree with you on this one Mr. Surley. So what's the big deal not allowed too have an opinion unless the gay community vetted it first .Sorry gay community but not everyone is warm and fuzzy with that lifestyle .Personally I think a lot of gays just want to double their chances of getting laid.
Balor: I've found a new favorite pasta product. Bravo Barilla! Here's to the traditional family, sitting at the dinner table and sharing a hearty pasta meal!!!!
TMFREE: Bill, I'm pretty sure you and I disagree on a lot of things but this ain't one of them.
chiapettthewise: The Radical Side of the Gay community just gave Barilla a Huge Ad Boost! You bet I'll buy Barilla now Bill! Most Ontarians are a lot smarter to realize what Barilla said. They should Get Over It! Whats next? Try to involve/hire Pedos writing OUR kids curriculum? WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!
batcountry1: So if you do not agree with an individual you can not choose to boycott their product?
HankBiner: So if you do not agree with an individual you cannot FORCE others to boycott their product.
mikejo11: Way to take something a handful of people said and smear an entire community. Then further down you say that because of the ceo's stance you will "only" buy barilla. But you're not "intolerant" for buying pasts based on ideology - only gay people are. Do you see how brainwashed you are. People like you DO try to do everything you can do to make your hate for the gay community felt, then use terms like persecution. Get a life. As if anyone will even change their pasta buying habits, but you'll be quoting this article for the next decade. Grow up, ignorant punk.
truthurts: You either support equality, or you don't. Simple as that. This man is free to express the opinion of himself and his company - and people are free to call him out for being the bigoted buffoon that he is.
Mr_bigstuff: Great post - My feelings exactly - The most intolerant group on the face of the earth are the wonderful gays -(Well MAYBE the moslems are more intolerant).